Showing posts with label Pippa DaCosta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pippa DaCosta. Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Twilight Seeker by Pippa DaCosta

Rating: WARTY!

"First in a series!" Of course it is, because why bilk people for only one cookie-cutter story when you can milk them for many? "After the sun goes down, Lynher is a hostess at the Night Station, entertaining vampires, demons, and more." I guess this epxlains why the rip-off title, huh? "By day, she’s a resistance fighter freeing humans from enslavement under paranormal creatures. Can she keep her secrets secure when a vampire overlord comes to stay?" Lynher's name is really Bella Swann and the vampire overlord is really named Edward, because this story is absolutely no different in any way shape or form to any other YA-style vampire story that's ever been told in a series. You know. I know. The unimaginative author knows it perfectly well, as does the publisher. Barf.