Showing posts with label Tim Dorsey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Dorsey. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Coconut Cowboy by Tim Dorsey

Rating: WARTY!

"From a New York Times bestselling author" I somehow doubt that! "Determined to recreate the classic film Easy Rider, serial killer Serge mounts a motorcycle and heads to Florida in pursuit of freedom and the American Dream!" Since when is serial-killing the American dream? This ought to be renamed "Plain Nuts Cowboy" What's Serge's first name? Covid? Barf.

Tropic of Stupid by Tim Dorsey

Rating: WARTY!

"After Serge Storms..." Stop right there. Check please! I'm done here. The only stupid here is the main character's name. That's enough for me to know exactly how this plays out. Yawn.