Showing posts with label Vonda N McIntyre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vonda N McIntyre. Show all posts

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Star Trek The Wrath of Khan by Vonda N McIntyre

Rating: WARTY!

The crew of the Enterprise are tossers. That's why the original series is commonly referrred to as TOS. The book blurb is happy to skirt the fact that James Tiberiasshole Kirk caused the whole problem with Khan in the first place. "’s up to James Kirk, Mr Spock, and the stalwart crew of the Enterprise to save the day — and the galaxy!" Ri-ight, because there's no one anywhere in the entire galaxy that can fix this except for James Trump. I mean why not call thim that? His arrogance is unsurpassed. He has zero clue how to delegate. He speaks in weird disjointed sentences and insists his mangled words are law. He has no qualms about taking advantage of every woman who comes his way, like she owes him. Donald Trump and James Kirk are the same! I see no differences between them.

Spock is the dumbest character onboard since he consistently fails to grasp human idiosyncrasy and foibles despite having been among them for literally decades and despite repeatedly (and tediously) demonstrating an encylopedic knowledge of Earth and its history. Mary Sue McCoy is the best doctor in the galaxy despite himself being an asshole in the way he treats people. But at least he can look at a glowstick and diagnose any condition and treat it. Except of course when it comes to a Klingon depsite having known this race his entire career. Scott never was an engineer. He was a sorcerer who could magically fix anything on an impossible schedule. Uhura is a sex bomb in a mini-skirt, and part-time telephone operator who can 'put you through now' and that's pretty much it. It's a tragedy that someone charity-dropped into a token minority role like that would be the one to inspire so many other minority females that they too, could be eye candy. Yawn.