Showing posts with label Cheryl Rees-Price. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheryl Rees-Price. Show all posts

Monday, July 5, 2021

Blue Hollow by Cheryl Rees-Price

Rating: WARTY!

"After the murder of a family friend, journalist Dora Lewis searches for answers in a secret collection of cassette tapes he left behind." Why were those not turned over to the police? Or is this yet another 'amateur sleuth' bullshit story where the police are utterly incompetent and only a rank amateur can solve the case? "But the deeper she probes for the truth, the more she risks reawakening her own dark past." There it is, the investigator with a dark secret. How many times exactly has this seriously worn-out plot been overdone now? I lost count. Barf.