Showing posts with label Doranna Durgin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doranna Durgin. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wolverine's Daughter by Doranna Durgin

Rating: WARTY!

I was completely mislead by this, although that was no fault of the publisher or the author - except in the fact that titling a novel Wolverine's daughter is asking to mislead people. I thought this was to be a story of a daughter of the Marvel comics character Wolverine, which would make an awesome story if handled right. Reality check: it is not! It's not even a story. It's nothing more than a prologue to the real Wolverine's Daughter novel of the same name, and I don't do prologues. The Wolverine's Daughter novel is a story about some cave-dwelling humans in prehistory.

This prologue to it was so larded with cliché as to be pretty much a Jean Auel parody. There is the roving band of Cro-Magnon 1 wannabes on a hunting trip. There are predators, both animal and human. The human predators are slavers who have every clichéd trait, right down to their rotting teeth. There's the misfit in the bunch who saves the day by means of some 'brilliant' thinking. That's it. A five-minute read, a handful of pages, and a boatload of cliché. I do not recommend this. It's a rip-off IMO.